what need update every second item using powershell sharepoint.client. used code here http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2011/02/15/using-powershell-to-get-data-from-a-sharepoint-2010-list.aspx , added required functionality. im new in powershell may have made silly mistake. kindly check code , pointed mistake.
add-type -path c:\microsoft.sharepoint.client.dll add-type -path c:\microsoft.sharepoint.client.runtime.dll function get-spclientlist { $csharp = @" using system; using system.collections.generic; using microsoft.sharepoint.client; namespace spclient { public class sharepointlist { public static listitemcollection getlist() { clientcontext clientcontext = new clientcontext("http://sp10sl1:55555/mychuldesite"); list list = clientcontext.web.lists.getbytitle("customlist"); camlquery camlquery = new camlquery(); camlquery.viewxml = "<view/>"; listitemcollection listitems = list.getitems(camlquery); clientcontext.load(list); clientcontext.load(listitems); clientcontext.executequery(); return listitems; } } } "@ $assemblies = @( "$psscriptroot\microsoft.sharepoint.client.dll", "$psscriptroot\microsoft.sharepoint.client.runtime.dll" "system.core" ) add-type -typedefinition $csharp -referencedassemblies $assemblies $items = [spclient.sharepointlist]::getlist() $out = @() $i=0 foreach ($item in $items) { if($i % 2 -eq 0) { $item["title"] = "clienttitle"; $item["userdata"] = "clientdata"; $item.update(); } $i += 1 } $out }
thank in advance.
okay, i've managed solve it. can add update logic inside of c# block , call function.
it should looks this
add-type -path c:\microsoft.sharepoint.client.dll add-type -path c:\microsoft.sharepoint.client.runtime.dll $csharp = @" using system; using system.collections.generic; using microsoft.sharepoint.client; using microsoft.sharepoint; namespace spclient { public class sharepointlist { public static listitemcollection getlist() { clientcontext clientcontext = new clientcontext ("http://*****:****/*****"); list list = clientcontext.web.lists.getbytitle("customlist"); camlquery camlquery = new camlquery(); camlquery.viewxml = "<view/>"; listitemcollection listitems = list.getitems(camlquery); clientcontext.load(list); clientcontext.load(listitems); clientcontext.executequery(); int i=0; foreach ( listitem item in listitems) { if(i % 2 == 0) { item["title"] = "this client powershell"; item["userdata"] = "yeap is"; item.update(); clientcontext.executequery(); } i++; } return listitems; } } } "@ $assemblies = @( "$psscriptroot\microsoft.sharepoint.client.dll", "$psscriptroot\microsoft.sharepoint.client.runtime.dll" "system.core" ) add-type -typedefinition $csharp -referencedassemblies $assemblies $its = [spclient.sharepointlist]::getlist()
unfortunatly takes alot of time me understand kind of code without tutorials, if know such, please inform me.
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