android - Other methods of providing static content -

are there other methods adding static data textview?

example: have activity friendship.xml , there textview box, content/text of defined @string/friendship.

this configured under strings.xml :

"<string name="friendship">someday long long time ago.\n there man who\n was going to\n bla bla bla\n </string> 

so although i'm getting "content" textview, i'm wondering if it's not wrong way of doing it, considering strings.xml file end being 80mb of application itself, , other methods available, keeping in consideration formatting etc.

80mb? writing novel?

if reuse lines multiple times way go. if not, break sections down can reuse segments instead of having bunch of repeats in .xml file.

you have class or enum used hold string literals can enter text via code, still take same amount of space. more.
