entity framework - The Include path expression must refer to a navigation property defined on the type -

i have following repository method:-

public accountdefinition getcustomer2(int id) {     var c = entities.accountdefinitions             .where(p=>p.org_id==id)             .include(a => a.sdorganization)             .include(a2 => a2.sitedefinitions)             .include(a3 => a3.sdorganization.aaapostaladdresses)             .include(a4 => a4.sitedefinitions.selectmany                               (a5 => a5.departmentdefinitions.selectmany                                     (a6 => a6.sdusers.select                                           (a7 => a7.aaauser))))                                                    .singleordefault();      return c; } 

the following action method calls above method:-

public actionresult details2(int id = 0) {     accountdefinition cd = repository.getcustomer2(id);     return view("copy",cd); } 

but when navigate action method , following error on repository class:-

the include path expression must refer navigation property defined on type. use dotted paths reference navigation properties , select operator collection navigation properties.

so wrong code?

i think may want like

public accountdefinition getcustomer2(int id)         {              var c = entities.accountdefinitions.where(p=>p.org_id==id)                 .include(a => a.sdorganization)                 .include(a2 => a2.sitedefinitions)                 .include(a3 => a3.sdorganization.aaapostaladdresses)                 .include(a4 => a4.sitedefinitions.select(a5 => a5.departmentdefinitions.select(a6 => a6.sdusers.select(a7 => a7.aaauser))));              return c;         } 
