ruby on rails - Jquery doesn't seem to locate DOM elements in Simple_form -

i'm trying use jquery different parts or form revealed depending on radio button clicked. used jsfiddle working on plain vanilla form first , seemed fine when apply same code logic rails app uses simple_form gem nothing seems work.

see code below

$("input[type=radio]").click(function(){     if ($('input[name=usertype]:checked').val() == "user a") {         $("#one").slidedown("fast");         $("#two").slideup("fast");         $("#three").slideup("fast");         $("#four").slideup("fast");     }     if ($('input[name=usertype]:checked').val() == "user b") {         $("#two").slidedown("fast");         $("#one").slideup("fast");         $("#three").slideup("fast");         $("#four").slideup("fast");     }     if ($('input[name=usertype]:checked').val() == "user b") {         $("#three").slidedown("fast");         $("#two").slideup("fast");         $("#one").slideup("fast");         $("#four").slideup("fast");     }     if ($('input[name=usertype]:checked').val() == "user b") {         $("#four").slidedown("fast");         $("#three").slideup("fast");         $("#two").slideup("fast");         $("#one").slideup("fast");     } });     <%= simple_form_for(resource, :as => resource_name, :html => { :class => 'form-horizontal' }, :url => registration_path(resource_name)) |f| %>     <%= f.input :email, placeholder: '' %>     <%= f.input :username %>     <%= f.input :usertype, label: 'which best describes you', :input_html => {:name => "usertype"}, :collection => ["user a", "user b", "user c", "user d"],                 as: :radio_buttons %>     <ul id="one">       <li><%= f.input :dob, label: 'date of birth', as: :date, start_year: - 90,                   end_year: - 16,                   order: [:day, :month, :year] %></li>     </ul>     <ul id="two">       <li><%= f.input :launchedin, label: 'year club launched', as: :date, start_year: - 300,                   end_year:, discard_day: true, discard_month: true, order: [:year] %></li>     </ul>     <ul id="three">       <li><%= f.input :category, :collection => ["football", "golf", "tennis", "rugby"], prompt: 'choose sport' %>     </ul></li>     <ul id="four">       <li><%= f.input :bio, label: 'tell you', hint: 'maximum 300 characters' %></li>     </ul>     <%= f.input :password %>     <%= f.input :password_confirmation %>     <div><%= f.submit "register", :class => 'btn btn-primary' %></div> <% end %> 

have come @ least 4 version of jsfiddle work, none work on rails app.

would appreciate on this, stress ball can take :-)

many thanks


assuming use rails 3.2 or newer, ...try to:

  1. check if js generated app correct (it contains code) (source code of html page)
  2. did chance run rake assets:precompile before applying this? rails may picking precomiled version of application.js . if try rake assets:clean
  3. make sure jquery loaded before file have js/coffeescript logic
  4. make sure use $(document).ready -> in js/coffeescript file handling logic
