actionscript 3 - Do MovieClip's play() and stop() functions call add/remove ENTER_FRAME listener? -

say have movieclip called mc 2 frames inside it.

  1. if call; - trigger somewhere inside flash system mc.addeventlistener(event.enter_frame) call?

  2. if call mc.stop(); - remove listener?

  3. what happens if mc has 1 frame? flash smart enough ignore all?

  4. am in correct direction here??



  1. no, should manually call addeventlistener removeeventlistener. there no exclusions kind of objects.
  2. ---
  3. if movieclip has 1 frame looply (cyclic) play frame n times per second. enter_frame event dispatched n times per second also.

    n frame rate per second.

  4. i hope are..
