nullreferenceexception - XNA - Null Reference Exception When Creating Texture -

i need make sprite shoot each time presses space. i'm pretty sure i've created texture , draw (inside player class), every time reading bullettexture.width returns null. hope some1 can me.

here's complete rundown of code:


using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text;  using microsoft.xna.framework; using; using microsoft.xna.framework.content; using microsoft.xna.framework.input;  namespace spaceshooter_beta.animation.playercollection {     public class player : spritemanager     {         #region field region          public bool isanimating = false, isdirectional = false;         private float loadtime = 0.05f, shootdelay, bulletdelay, timeelapsed;         public float speed;         public list<commonbullet> commonbulletlist;         public int bulletcap = 20;          keyboardstate kbs;          #endregion          #region property region          public int fps         {             set { loadtime = (1f / value); }         }          #endregion          #region constructor region          public player(texture2d texture, int frame, int animations) :             base(texture, frame, animations)         {             speed = 2f;             shootdelay = 5f;              this.addanimation("down", 1);             this.addanimation("up", 2);             this.addanimation("right", 3);             this.addanimation("left", 4);             this.addanimation("upright", 5);             this.addanimation("upleft", 6);             this.addanimation("downright", 7);             this.addanimation("downleft", 8);              commonbulletlist = new list<commonbullet>();             bulletdelay = 5f;         }          public void update(gametime gt)         {             timeelapsed += (float)gt.elapsedgametime.totalseconds;              if (!this.isanimating)             {                 if (timeelapsed > loadtime)                 {                     timeelapsed -= loadtime;                     if (frameindex == rects.length - 1) this.isanimating = false;                     else frameindex++;                 }             }              kbs = keyboard.getstate();             getmovement();             if (kbs.iskeydown( attack();             updatebullet();         }          #endregion          #region method region          private void getmovement()         {             if (kbs.iskeydown(keys.w))             {                 this.pos.y -= speed;                 this.animation = "up";                  if (kbs.iskeydown(keys.d))                 {                     if (!isdirectional)                     {                         frameindex = 0;                         isdirectional = true;                     }                     this.pos.x += speed;                     this.animation = "upright";                 }                 else if (kbs.iskeydown(keys.a))                 {                     if (!isdirectional)                     {                         frameindex = 0;                         isdirectional = true;                     }                     this.pos.x -= speed;                     this.animation = "upleft";                 }                  if (!this.isanimating) this.isanimating = true;                 else this.isanimating = false;             }             else if (kbs.iskeydown(keys.s))             {                 this.pos.y += speed;                 this.animation = "down";                  if (kbs.iskeydown(keys.d))                 {                     if (!isdirectional)                     {                         frameindex = 0;                         isdirectional = true;                     }                     this.pos.x += speed;                     this.animation = "downright";                 }                 else if (kbs.iskeydown(keys.a))                 {                     if (!isdirectional)                     {                         frameindex = 0;                         isdirectional = true;                     }                     this.pos.x -= speed;                     this.animation = "downleft";                 }                  if (!this.isanimating) this.isanimating = true;                 else this.isanimating = false;             }             else if (kbs.iskeydown(keys.a))             {                 this.pos.x -= speed;                 this.animation = "left";                 if (!this.isanimating) this.isanimating = true;                 else this.isanimating = false;             }             else if (kbs.iskeydown(keys.d))             {                 this.pos.x += speed;                 this.animation = "right";                 if (!this.isanimating) this.isanimating = true;                 else this.isanimating = false;             }             else             {                 this.isanimating = false;                 this.isdirectional = false;                 frameindex = 0;             }              if (this.pos.x <= 0) this.pos.x = 0;             if (this.pos.x >= (800 - this.width)) this.pos.x = 800 - this.width;             if (this.pos.y <= 0) this.pos.y = 0;             if (this.pos.y >= (600 - this.height)) this.pos.y = 600 - this.height;         }         private void attack()         {             if (bulletdelay > 0) bulletdelay--;             if (bulletdelay <= 0)             {                 commonbullet cb = new commonbullet();                 if(cb.bullettexture.width > 0)                 {                     console.writeline("this");                     return;                 }                 cb.pos = new vector2(this.pos.x - cb.bullettexture.width / 2, this.pos.y + 15);                 cb.hasfired = true;                 if (commonbulletlist.count < bulletcap) commonbulletlist.add(cb);                 bulletdelay = 0;             }             if (bulletdelay == 0) bulletdelay = shootdelay;         }         private void updatebullet()         {             foreach (commonbullet cb in commonbulletlist)             {        = new rectangle((int)cb.pos.x, (int)cb.pos.y, cb.bullettexture.width, cb.bullettexture.height);                 cb.pos.y -= cb.bulletspeed;                 if (cb.pos.y < 0) cb.hasfired = false;             }              (int = 0; < commonbulletlist.count; i++)             {                 if (!commonbulletlist[i].hasfired)                 {                     commonbulletlist.removeat(i);                     i--;                 }             }         }          public void draw(spritebatch sb)         {             sb.draw(texture, pos, animations[animation][frameindex], color.white, rot, ori, s, se, 0f);             foreach (commonbullet cb in commonbulletlist)             {                 cb.draw(sb);             }         }         #endregion     } } 

inherits spritemanager(for animation), here spritemanager class:

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text;  using microsoft.xna.framework; using; using microsoft.xna.framework.content;  namespace spaceshooter_beta {     public class spritemanager     {         #region field region          protected texture2d texture;         protected rectangle[] rects;         protected int frameindex = 0, frames;         protected dictionary<string, rectangle[]> animations = new dictionary<string, rectangle[]>();          public vector2 pos, ori;         public float rot = 0f, s= 1f;         public spriteeffects se;         public string animation;         public int width, height;          #endregion          #region property region         #endregion          #region constructor region          public spritemanager(texture2d texture, int frame, int animation)         {             this.texture = texture;             this.frames = frame;              rects = new rectangle[frame];             (int = 0; < frame; i++)             {                 rects[i] = new rectangle(i * width, 0, width, texture.height);             }              width = texture.width / frame;             height = texture.height / animation;         }          #endregion          #region method region          public void addanimation(string name, int row)         {             rectangle[] rects = new rectangle[frames];             (int = 0; < frames; i++)             {                 rects[i] = new rectangle(i * width, (row - 1) * height, width, height);             }             animations.add(name, rects);         }          #endregion     } } 

i "draw" bullet texture every time called in player.cs in attack() function. here bullet class:

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text;  using microsoft.xna.framework; using; using microsoft.xna.framework.content;  namespace spaceshooter_beta.animation.playercollection {     public class commonbullet     {         #region field region          public float bulletspeed = 5f;         public double bulletdamage;         public texture2d bullettexture;         public vector2 pos, ori;         public bool hasfired;         public rectangle box;          #endregion          #region property region         #endregion          #region constructor region          public commonbullet()         {             hasfired = false;         }          #endregion          #region method region          public void draw(spritebatch sb)         {             sb.draw(bullettexture, pos, color.white);         }          public void loadcontent(contentmanager content)         {             bullettexture = content.load<texture2d>(@"playerbullet");         }          #endregion     } } 

the error throws everytime @ player.cs, @ cb.pos = new vector2(this.pos.x - cb.bullettexture.width / 2, this.pos.y + 15);. debugger, i'm pretty sure cb.bullettexture not null, it's width returns null.

i hope can me here, thanks.

you initializing new commonbullet in every attack() however, not calling loadcontent() method load image.

this fixed adding loadcontent call

commonbullet cb = new commonbullet(); cb.loadcontent(your content manager) 

however, not idea load new image time, if game image, there no point.

you should make static variable in commonbullet

static texture2d bullettexture;

you should make loadcontent method static, , instead of way above (calling each attack) should go main game file, , find it's loadcontent method, , add line:


or commonbullet.bullettexture = content.load<texture2d>("blah");
