- A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (textboxError="<Responses><Response...") -

i'm using ozeki ng sms gateway. i'm unable send sms mobile. please me send sms through net mobile

a potentially dangerous request.form value detected client (textboxerror=". after setting value, can disable request validation setting validaterequest="false" in page directive or in configuration section. however, recommended application explicitly check inputs in case. more information, see

exception details: system.web.httprequestvalidationexception: potentially dangerous request.form value detected client (textboxerror="

and cs file is

using system; using; using system.configuration; using system.web; using; using system.web.ui; using system.web.ui.webcontrols; using system.web.ui.webcontrols.webparts; using system.web.ui.htmlcontrols; using; using system.text.regularexpressions;  public partial class _default :  {       protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e)     {         textboxrecipient.width = 400;         textboxmessage.width = 450;         textboxmessage.rows = 10;         textboxerror.width = 400;         textboxerror.rows = 5;          textboxerror.forecolor =;         textboxerror.visible = false;         textboxerror.text = "";          if (!page.ispostback)         {             textboxrecipient.text = "+441234567";             textboxmessage.text = "hello world!";         }     }      protected void buttonsendonclick(object sender, eventargs e)     {         //are required fields filled in:         if (textboxrecipient.text == "")         {             textboxerror.text += "recipient(s) field must not empty!\n";             textboxerror.visible = true;             return;         }          //we creating necessary url string:         string ozsurl = ""; //where ozeki ng sms gateway running         string ozsport = "9501"; //port number ozeki ng sms gateway listening         string ozuser = httputility.urlencode("admin"); //username successful login         string ozpassw = httputility.urlencode("admin"); //user's password         string ozmessagetype = "sms:text"; //type of message         string ozrecipients = httputility.urlencode(textboxrecipient.text); //who message         string ozmessagedata = httputility.urlencode(textboxmessage.text); //body of message          string createdurl = ozsurl + ":" + ozsport + "/httpapi" +             "?action=sendmessage" +             "&username=" + ozuser +             "&password=" + ozpassw +             "&messagetype=" + ozmessagetype +             "&recipient=" + ozrecipients +             "&messagedata=" + ozmessagedata;          try         {             //create request , send data ozeki ng sms gateway server http connection             httpwebrequest myreq = (httpwebrequest)webrequest.create(createdurl);              //get response ozeki ng sms gateway server , read answer             httpwebresponse myresp = (httpwebresponse)myreq.getresponse();    respstreamreader = new;             string responsestring = respstreamreader.readtoend();             respstreamreader.close();             myresp.close();              //inform user             textboxerror.text = responsestring;             textboxerror.visible = true;         }         catch (exception)         {             //if sending request or getting response not successful ozeki ng sms gateway server may not run             textboxerror.text = "ozeki ng sms gateway server not running!";             textboxerror.visible = true;         }      } } 

and asp page is

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" "">  <html xmlns="" > <head runat="server">     <title>ozeki ng sms gateway message sending example</title> </head> <body>     <center>     <form id="smsdata" runat="server">         <asp:table id="smstable" runat="server" style="text-align:left; border-width:thin; border-color:silver;" borderstyle="solid">             <asp:tablerow>                 <asp:tablecell columnspan="2">                     <b>compose message:</b>                     <br />                     <br />                 </asp:tablecell>             </asp:tablerow>             <asp:tablerow>                 <asp:tablecell horizontalalign="left" verticalalign="top">                     <asp:label id="labelrecipient" runat="server" text="recipient: "></asp:label>                 </asp:tablecell>                 <asp:tablecell>                     <asp:textbox id="textboxrecipient" runat="server"></asp:textbox>                 </asp:tablecell>             </asp:tablerow>             <asp:tablerow>                 <asp:tablecell horizontalalign="left" verticalalign="top">                     <asp:label id="labelmessage" runat="server" text="message text: "></asp:label>                 </asp:tablecell>                 <asp:tablecell>                     <asp:textbox id="textboxmessage" runat="server" textmode="multiline"></asp:textbox>                 </asp:tablecell>             </asp:tablerow>             <asp:tablerow>                 <asp:tablecell columnspan="2" horizontalalign="center">                     <asp:button id="buttonsend" runat="server" text="send message" onclick="buttonsendonclick" />                 </asp:tablecell>             </asp:tablerow>             <asp:tablerow>                 <asp:tablecell columnspan="2" horizontalalign="center">                     <asp:textbox id="textboxerror" runat="server" borderstyle="none" textmode="multiline"></asp:textbox>                 </asp:tablecell>             </asp:tablerow>         </asp:table>     </form>     </center> </body> </html> 

your problem value of 1 of fields (textboxerror) includes xml- or html-style tags, default disallowed avoid developers introducing potential security issues within applications.

the solution given in error message; need add validaterequest="false" in either @page directive @ top (omitted in sample) or in web.config.

note if you're using .net 4, need drop validation mode 2.0, altering web.config , adding:

<system.web>     <httpruntime requestvalidationmode="2.0" /> </system.web> 

see this msdn article on requestvalidationmode more information on requestvalidationmode.
