spring mvc - Hibernate validators unit testing -

i've been reading hibernate docs class validation tests , did not found solution "problem". test custom validators. example, let's have following class:

public class user {      @notempty(message = "{username.notspecified}")     private string username;      @notempty     @size(min = 6, message = "{password.tooshort")     private string password;      @notempty(message = "{city.notspecified}")     private string city;      /* getters & setters omitted */ } 

and want check every user located in barcelona city. that, have custom user validator implementation follows:

public class uservalidator implements validator {      @autowired      private validator validator;      @override     public boolean supports(class<?> clazz) {         return user.class.equals(clazz);     }      @override     public void validate(object target, errors errors) {          validator.validate(target,errors);          user user = (user) target;          if(!(user.getcity().equals("barcelona"))){               errors.rejectvalue("city", "city.notvalid", "invalid city");           }     }  } 

i have no idea how use custom validator instead of default 1 provided in example , checks annotated field constraints , not more "business logic" ones. examples or clues on that?


you don't have implement spring validator unit testing, create javax.validation.validator instance it.

import static org.hamcrest.matchers.*; import static org.junit.assert.*;  import java.util.*;  import javax.validation.*;  import org.junit.*;  public class applierdtounittests {      private validator validator = validation.buildvalidatorfactory().getvalidator();     private applierdto target = new applierdto();       @test     public void brokenifnullnamegiven() throws exception {          target.setname(null);          set<constraintviolation<applierdto>> constraintviolations = validator             .validate(target);         assertthat("unexpected size of constraint violations",             constraintviolations.size(), equalto(1));     } } 

and use validators validate form or rpc request rather "business logic" in expierence. they're not easy use in domain layer point of view.
