python - AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'write' -

i trying run game me , friends made in python... sent me e-mail. know have newer version of python im not sure if problem. function defined:

def text(x,y,text,size):     turtle.penup()     turtle.goto(x,y)     turtle.pendown()     turtle.write(text,font=('arial',size,'normal')) 

we call here:

def home_screen():     turtle.bgpic("bgarmy.gif")     turtle.fillcolor("#46b347")     turtle.fill(true)     rectangle(-150,100,300,100)     turtle.fill(false)     text(-70,130,"epicry",30)     turtle.fill(true)     rectangle2(-100,0,200,50)     turtle.fill(false)     text(-35,10,"start",20)     turtle.fill(true)     rectangle2(-100,-100,200,50)     turtle.fill(false)     text(-70,-90,"instructions",20)     turtle.listen()     turtle.onscreenclick(onclick)     turtle.mainloop() 

and when try run it, error:

traceback (most recent call last): file "c:\python33\lets fight1\", line 2, in <module> import movesoldier file "c:\python33\lib\idlelib\", line 60, in idle_showwarning file.write(warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename, attributeerror: 'nonetype' object has no attribute 'write' 

does know means?
