knockout.js - knockout mapping with Requires Js -

i've got following fragment part of requirejs config.

paths: {             // folders             "templates": 'templates',             "static": "static",             "commonrequirejsmodules": "commonrequirejsmodules",             "text": "commonrequirejsmodules/text",             "packages": 'packages',             "contextsheets": "contextsheets",              //plugins             "jquery": "./jquery-1.8.3",             'jqueryui': './jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.min',             "jqx": "/content/plugins/jqwidgets",             'signalr': './jquery.signalr-1.0.1',             'knockout': './knockout-2.1.0',             'komapping': './knockout.mapping-latest.debug', 

i can see in network tab of chrome mapping plugin being loaded reason never ref in module.

define( [     'knockout',     'komapping',     'text!templates/productimages-ko.txt',     'commonrequirejsmodules/debugconsole'  ], function (ko, mapping , kotemplate, debugconsole) { 

ko loaded mapping param undef. ideas i'm using 2.4.1 of mapping plugin.

