extjs - Carousel Hidden (0 height) after build -

would love second @ basic code see why carousel (and spinner in different view) not showing after build (testing or production).

edit: might help, have build sudo. permissions error? not able run 'sencha' command non sudo b/c following error:

/projects/sencha/cmd/ line 59: 43741 trace/bpt trap: 5       java $jvmargs -jar $basedir/sencha.jar "$@" 2> stderr.txt 

thanks, steve

ext.define('myapp.view.tutorial', { extend: 'ext.container', fullscreen: true, xtype: 'tutorial', requries: [     'ext.carousel.carousel',     'ext.dataview.list',     'ext.data.proxy.jsonp',     'ext.data.store' ], defaults: {     stylehtmlcontent: true },      config: {     layout : {         type: 'vbox',         pack  : 'center'     },        scrollable: false,       items: [         {             xtype: 'toolbar',             docked: 'top',             title: 'welcome myapp'         },         {             xtype: 'carousel',             flex: 1,             height: 90,             layout: 'fit',             defaults:{                 layout:'fit'             },             items:[{                 html: 'asdfasdfasdf',                 cls: 'card',                 height: 60             },{                 html: '2asdfasdf',                 cls: 'card',                 height: 60             }]         },         {             height: 60,             docked: 'bottom',             xtype: 'container',             align: 'middle',             defaults:{                 layout: {                     align: 'middle',                     pack: 'center'                 }               },                             items: [                 {                     xtype: 'button',                     centered: true,                     cls: 'fb_login',                     height: 47,                     margin: '',                     width: 280,                      id:'fb_login_button'                      }             ]         }               ] } 


so after ripping apart app simplest components , settings, found , answer both problems.

the build problem related app overriding dyld_library_path environment variable. unsetting allowed sencha commands run normally.

after that, did update smd , sencha touch.

looks big problem sencha's tolerances during build process doesn't allow confused layout definitions. moving 'fullscreen:true' config block, removing 'scrollable:false', , not mixing fit , height seemed eliminate bugginess.

i wish build debugger bit more robust identify app breaking. didn't console errors when running compiled app in of browsers.
