i encounter problem while trying read namelist in fortran program, using openmp , portland group compiler.
what trying simple: call read_namelist
subroutine in single
region, initialize parameters want read namelist, , open, read, close namelist. parameters i'm reading in namelist threadprivate, , spread them other threads after reading.
while works gnu , intel compilers, fails pgi , cannot why. no error, read parameters equal default parameters, not ones read namelist.
here example of trying do:
program read_input !$ use omp_lib use params implicit none integer :: rank=0, nthreads=1 !$omp parallel default(private) !$ rank = omp_get_thread_num() !$ nthreads = omp_get_num_threads() !$omp single print*, 'there ', nthreads, ' threads running' call read_nml !$omp end single copyprivate(nx, ny, nz) print*, 'rank: ', rank print*, 'nx, ny, nz: ', nx, ny, nz !$omp end parallel contains subroutine read_nml use params implicit none namelist /input_params/ nx, ny, nz call default_parameters print*, 'nx, ny, nz (default): ', nx, ny, nz open(unit=1, file='input', status='old') read(1, input_params) close(1) print*, 'nx, ny, nz (read): ', nx, ny, nz return end subroutine read_nml subroutine default_parameters use params implicit none nx = 2; ny = 2; nz = 2 return end subroutine default_parameters end program read_input
the module params
simple , contains only:
module params integer :: nx, ny, nz !$omp threadprivate(nx, ny, nz) end module params
compiling pgfortran, here output (with 2 threads):
start program: read_input there 2 threads running nx, ny, nz (default): 2 2 2 rank: 0 nx, ny, nz: 2 2 2 rank: 1 nx, ny, nz: 2 2 2
and if compile same piece of code intel or gnu compilers (still 2 threads):
start program: read_input there 2 threads running nx, ny, nz (default): 2 2 2 nx, ny, nz (read): 10 10 10 rank: 0 nx, ny, nz: 10 10 10 rank: 1 nx, ny, nz: 10 10 10
any thought or hint appreciated!
i don't exact reason, @ least found workaround, playing code.
if parameters read in namelist private in subroutine, can read no problem; therefore replacing
call read_nml
call read_nml(nx, ny, nz)
and subroutine read_nml
subroutine read_nml(nx, ny, nz) implicit none integer :: nx, ny, nz namelist /input_params/ nx, ny, nz call default_parameters print*, 'nx, ny, nz (default): ', nx, ny, nz open(unit=1, file='input', status='old') read(1, input_params) close(1) print*, 'nx, ny, nz (read): ', nx, ny, nz return end subroutine read_nml
works well. guess once again problem of status (private) of attributes, don't why intel , gnu compilers handled no problem whereas pgi compiler not able handle it. actually, why parameters threadprivate in module, prevent kind of behaviour. if can give me better answer 1 have, i'm still interested!
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