i have working perl code fires off email correct email address generic subject , content.
however, whenever new user starts, fire off premade .oft template says need know. .oft stored on our server. wondering there way alter perl code make takes to: uses .oft template make rest of email??
so basically
$smtp = net::smtp->new('smtp.blah'); $smtp->('no-replay@blah.com'); $smtp->to('$personemail'); $smtp->data(); $smtp->datasend($locationofofttemplate); $smtp->dataend(); $smtp->quit;
afaik there no module handling proprietary format. instead, translate standard templating system:
my $template = <<'template'; morning, [% name %]! today first day @ work. have received universal login credentials: [% ldap_user %] [% ldap_pass %] works authenticating @ web proxy, mail system, jabber , internal services. change password asap: <[% ldap_web %]> -- yours sincerely, greeting daemon template use text::xslate qw(); $text = text::xslate->new(syntax => 'tterse')->render_string($template, { name => 'new bee', ldap_user => 'nbee', ldap_pass => 'con-glom-o', ldap_web => '', });
use mime toolkit create emails. html/multipart/attachments easy courriel::builder:
use courriel::builder; $email = build_email( subject('welcome'), from('no-reply@example.com'), to('…'), plain_body($text), );
finally, send using high-level library email::sender gives nice error checking , allows switch out transports - run local delivery testing.
use email::sender::simple qw(sendmail); use email::sender::transport::smtp qw(); use try::tiny; try { sendmail( $email, { transport => email::sender::transport::smtp->new({ host => 'smtp.example.invalid', }) } ); } catch { warn "sending failed: $_"; };
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