i'm trying save image in d: directory, , accomplish this, i'm save in session
informations fileupload
in method called btnconfirm_click
create session
, in btnsave_click
method recover information , try save file, when check in d:
directory, file exist when open file, saw message: the windows photo viewer can not open picture because file appears damaged, corrupted, or big ..
someone can me ?
c# code
protected void btnconfirm_click(object sender, eventargs e) { if (fileupload1.hasfile) { string sfilename = fileupload1.filename; string fileextension = system.io.path.getextension(sfilename).tolower(); foreach (string ext in new string[] { ".jpeg", ".jpg", ".png" }) { if (fileextension == ext) { session["document"] = sfilename + fileextension; session["byte"] = fileupload1.filebytes; session["content"] = fileupload1.filecontent; byte[] b = (byte[])session["byte"]; } } } } protected void btnsave_click(object sender, eventargs e) { if (session["document"].tostring() != null) { try { byte[] bytearray = encoding.utf8.getbytes(session["content"].tostring()); memorystream stream = new memorystream(bytearray); spath = "d:/123.jpg"; filestream filestream = file.create(spath, (int)stream.length); byte[] bytesinstream = new byte[stream.length]; stream.read(bytesinstream, 0, bytesinstream.length); filestream.write(bytesinstream, 0, bytesinstream.length); } catch { } } }
byte[] bytearray = encoding.utf8.getbytes(session["content"].tostring());
this line looks wrong. taking string (encoded utf8) , trying turn binary jpg image. won't work. need keep original image in binary (not textual + encoding) form. when turn byte[]
(or vice-versa) there information loss because textual encoding can't (in general) represent byte sequence.
as @panagiotiskanovas mentions, want getting session['content']
stream of data.
as aside, aren't closing streams, it's possible when try open file object still locked.
using (filestream filestream = file.create(spath, (int)stream.length)) { byte[] bytesinstream = new byte[stream.length]; stream.read(bytesinstream, 0, bytesinstream.length); filestream.write(bytesinstream, 0, bytesinstream.length); }
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