zend framework2 - How to return a file path in ZF 2 -

i have form , controller zf 2. can upload file , other data, can not write @value of path@ of file database table value of field. displays value array in field of table database ! how change controller or somewhere else , save value of file path not array in field of table?

 $form = new restaurantform();          $form->get('submit')->setvalue('Добавить ресторан');          $request = $this->getrequest();         if ($request->ispost()) {             $restaurants = new restaurant();             $form->setinputfilter($restaurants->getinputfilter());              $data= array_merge_recursive(                   $this->getrequest()->getpost()->toarray(),                 $this->getrequest()->getfiles()->toarray()             );              $form->setdata($data);             if ($form->isvalid()){                 //array_map('unlink', glob('./public/img/restaurants*'));{                 $restaurants->exchangearray($form->getdata());                 $this->getrestaurantstable()->saverestaurant($restaurants);                  // form valid, save form!                  // redirect list of albums                 return $this->redirect()->toroute('zfcadmin/restaurants');             }           }        //else return $this->redirect()->toroute('zfcadmin');         return array('form' => $form);     } 


           // file input             $file = new element\file('restaurant_thumbnail');             $file->setlabel('Загрузите главный рисунок ресторана')                  ->setattribute('id', 'image-file');             $this->add($file); 


                    #version2                   //  $inputfilter = new inputfilter();                      // file input                     //https://github.com/cgmartin/zf2fileuploadexamples/blob/master/src/zf2fileuploadexamples/form/singleupload.php                     $file = new fileinput('restaurant_thumbnail');                     $file->setrequired(true);                     $file->getfilterchain()->attachbyname(                         'filerenameupload',                         array(                             'target'          => './public/img/restaurants/*',                             'overwrite'       => true,                             'use_upload_name' => true,                         )                     );                     $inputfilter->add($file); 
