mongoose - MongoDB Aggregation: How do I recombine a date using $project? -

i'm trying aggregate data day can render in chart. i've managed grouping $year, $month, , $dayofmonth. however, means date split 3 parts in final result. there way concat 3 numbers date format or there way group day doesn't split date? below working example of have:

sentiment.aggregate([     {         $match: { 'content.term' : term_id }     }, {         $group: {             _id: {                 year       : { $year       : '$created_at' },                 month      : { $month      : '$created_at' },                 dayofmonth : { $dayofmonth : '$created_at' },             },             sum   : { $sum : '$score'},             count : { $sum : 1 }         },     }, {         $project: {             _id   : 0,             date  : '$_id',             sum   : 1,             count : 1,             avg   : { $divide: ['$sum', '$count'] }         }     } ], function(err, result){     if(err) callback(err);     else callback(null, result); }); 

and here sample result:

[   {     "sum": 201,     "count": 3,     "date": {       "year": 2013,       "month": 7,       "dayofmonth": 5     },     "avg": 67   },   {     "sum": 186,     "count": 6,     "date": {       "year": 2013,       "month": 7,       "dayofmonth": 8     },     "avg": 31   },   {     "sum": 834,     "count": 9,     "date": {       "year": 2013,       "month": 7,       "dayofmonth": 9     },     "avg": 92.66666666666667   } ] 

ideally, i'd have date valid date don't have convert later. i've tried using $concat works strings. using mongoose if makes difference.

assuming that, grouping documents year, month , day, hours , minutes useless, can use 1 of operators date sample: $first, $last, $min or $max.

sentiment.aggregate([     {         $match: { 'content.term' : term_id }     }, {         $group: {             _id: {                 year       : { $year       : '$created_at' },                 month      : { $month      : '$created_at' },                 dayofmonth : { $dayofmonth : '$created_at' },             },             dt_sample : { $first : '$created_at' },             sum   : { $sum : '$score'},             count : { $sum : 1 }         },     }, {         $project: {             _id   : 0,             date  : '$dt_sample',             sum   : 1,             count : 1,             avg   : { $divide: ['$sum', '$count'] }         }     } ], function(err, result){     if(err) callback(err);     else callback(null, result); }); 

you'll have date field arbitrary hour, minute , seconds.
