i use codes separate duplicates sheet(dup). want separate singles/unique records sheet(unique) 1 worksheet there 2 more sheets 1 of unique records , other of duplicates.
option explicit sub findcpy() dim lw long dim integer dim sh worksheet set sh = sheets("dup") lw = range("a" & rows.count).end(xlup).row = 1 lw 'find duplicates list. if application.countif(range("a" & & ":a" & lw), range("a" & i).text) > 1 range("b" & i).value = 1 end if next range("a1:b10000").autofilter , field:=2, criteria1:=1 range("a2", range("a65536").end(xlup)).entirerow.copy sh.range("a65536").end(xlup).offset(1, 0).pastespecial xlpastevalues selection.autofilter end sub
you're on right track. can use following route unique , duplicate values different sheets. can modify code suit needs (only display duplicate values once on duplicate sheet, example).
sub routeuniqueandduplicatevalues() dim lastrow long dim ws worksheet dim dupes worksheet dim unique worksheet dim rng range set ws = thisworkbook.sheets("data") set dupes = thisworkbook.sheets("dupes") set unique = thisworkbook.sheets("unique") ws.autofiltermode = false lastrow = ws.range("a" & ws.rows.count).end(xlup).row ws.range("b1").formula = "=countif(a$1:a$" & lastrow & ", a1)" ws.range("b1").copy ws.range("b2:b" & lastrow) set rng = ws.range("a1:b" & lastrow) rng ' find dupes .autofilter , field:=2, criteria1:=">1" ' copy them our dupes sheet .offset(1, 0).specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).copy dupes.range("a1") ' find unique .autofilter , field:=2, criteria1:=1 ' copy them our unique sheet .offset(1, 0).specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).copy unique.range("a1") end ws.autofiltermode = false end sub
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