PHP Notice: fwrite(): send failed with errno=32 Broken pipe -

i trying execute php script through shell given here :-

php whatsapp.php -s mobileno message 

and got following error :-

php notice:  fwrite(): send of 111 bytes failed errno=32 broken pipe in      whatsprot.class.php on line 1923 

and line 1923 in whatsprot.class.php corresponds :-

fwrite($this->socket, $data, strlen($data)); 

whatsprot.class.php here

is there fix problem?

it may because data contains 'utf-8' characters. had similar issue caused it.

exception: mysql_query(): send of 1462592 bytes failed errno=32 broken pipe

i used

mysql -u username -p database < dump_file # bad  

to import sql file contains lot of utf8 characters (thai language), didn't set default-character-set=utf8 [mysql]. wrong coded data in database caused issue.
