i want know if there built in php function can substring between given 2 keywords (keyword1 , keyword2). note keywords may repeat in string must able substring between xth keyword1 , yth keyword2. moreover, use unicode characters function should charset independen.
please me out handle problem.
e.g. $string=this cat hat in theater. $keyword1="is"; $keyword2="the";
task: how substring between 2nd occurance of "is" , 3nd occurance of "the" in given string above.
answer: " cat hat in "
you can use regular expressions:
$string = "this cat hat in theater"; $regex1 = "/.*? |^is/"; $regex2 = "/ .*| the$/"; echo preg_replace($regex1, '', preg_replace($regex2, ' the', $string));
edit here more generic code:
function find($text, $str, $offset) { $len = strlen($text); $search_len = strlen($str); $count = 0; ($i=0; $i<$len; ++$i) { if (substr($text, $i, $search_len) == $str) { if (++$count == $offset) { return $i; } } } return -1; } function between($text, $word1, $offset1, $word2, $offset2) { $start = find($text, $word1, $offset1); $end = find($text, $word2, $offset2); if ($start != -1 && $end != -1) { return substr($text, $start + strlen($word1), $end-$start-strlen($word2)); } else { return ''; } } $string = "this cat hat in theater"; echo between($string, 'is', 2, 'the', 3); echo between($string, 'at', 1, 'at', 3);
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