angularjs - How to link ng-models inside directive? -

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i'm totally lost. have read lots of replies (closest problem here)


<div  title="employment start date"                         ng-model="tabsdata.employment_start_date"                          input-date="{{dateformats.getcurformat()}}"></div> 

i need show & edit (by custom directive) date value;
how bind (bidirectionally) outer ng-model (tabsdata.employment_start_date) inner ng-model (???) on <datepicker> ?

(see below <---------- here !!! sign tagretting <datepicker>'s ng-model attr in snippet need past bidirectionally binding)

having kind of directive:

directive('inputdate', function factory(datefilter) {     return {                 require:'^ngmodel',                 restrict:'a',                 replace: true,      template:'<div class="control-group">         <div class="controls">             <label>{{title}}</label>             <input class="dateinputvalue"                     ng-model="formatteddate"                     readonly                     ng-click="showpicker=!showpicker"/>             <div class="datepickerblock">                 <button class="datepickerbtn"                         ng-click="showpicker=!showpicker">                     <i class="whhg icon-calendar"></i>                 </button>                 <datepicker                         class="datepicker"                         show-hide="{{showpicker}}"                          ng-model=" ??? "  <--------------------- here !!!!                          show-weeks="true"                         starting-day="1"                         date-disabled="disabled(date, mode)">                 </datepicker>             </div>         </div>     </div>',                  link:function (scope, elm, attrs, ngmodelctrl) {                      ngmodelctrl.$formatters.unshift(function (modelvalue) {                         scope.formatteddate = datefilter(modelvalue, attrs.inputdate || 'medium');                         return scope.formatteddate;                     });                      ngmodelctrl.$parsers.unshift(function(viewvalue) {                         var date = new date(viewvalue);                         return isnan(date) ? '' : date;                     });                 }     }; }); 

in addition 2nd question, why when replace template templateurl property:
templateurl: '/cached/ui-elements/inputbool.html' referencing to:

/* template */ angular.module("/cached/ui-elements/inputdate.html", []).run(["$templatecache", function($templatecache) {     $templatecache.put("/cached/ui-elements/inputdate.html",        "<div class=\"controls\">\n"+           "<input class=\"dateinputvalue\" " +                   "ng-model=\"ngmodellocal\" " +                   "readonly " +                   "ng-click=\"showpicker=!showpicker\"/>\n"+            <my-datepicker ng-model="ngmodellocal"></my-datepicker>        "</div>" }]); 

attrs.dateformat equals {{dateformats.getcurformat()}} string! (without returning actual expression execution result on $scope before template property)

guys ;)

they way can using called "isolate scope" inside of directive. if need understand bit about, has several videos explaining different ways bind variables using isolate scope.

i have done asking for. looks this:

<div ng-controller="myctrl">     --some additional html--     <div my-directive="blah" foo="scopevar1name" bar="scopevar2name"></div>     --some additional html-- </div 

with "foo" , "bar" pass in name of variables on "myctrl" want share bloody directive. inside directive have following:

.directive('inputdate', function factory(datefilter) {     return {             require:'^ngmodel',             restrict:'a',             replace: true,             scope:{                 "myfoo" : "=foo",                 "mybar" : "=bar"             },             template: "your html here",              link:function (scope, elm, attrs) {                 in here can use "scope.myfoo" , "scope.mybar"             }     }; }); 

"scope.myfoo" inside directive reference "myctrl.$". changes make in 1 reflected in other.

downfall, if "foo" non-mutable object (like string or number or boolean or date) not work. need nest primitives inside of actual object can mutated, , bind object , reference it's children inside directive. if need understand more, let me know.
