ruby on rails - factory_girl has_one association is nil with rspec -

good night. have problems first rails app. have 2 models user , profile. have association has_one , belongs_to


 class user < activerecord::base     devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,      :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable     attr_accessible :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :remember_me,:username     validates :username, presence: true     has_one :profile, dependent: :destroy end 


 class profile < activerecord::base    attr_accessible :aboutme, :city, :gamelevel, :phone     belongs_to :user     validates :user_id, presence: true    validates :phone, length: { in: 3..12 }    validates :phone, numericality: { only_integer: true }  end 

there factories:


factorygirl.define    factory :user     username     "valik leontiev"     email    ""     password "foobaryea"     password_confirmation "foobaryea"   end    factory :profile     city      "vladikavkaz"     gamelevel "m1"     phone     "8029383744"      aboutme   "hello, friend!"     user #association user   end end 

and i've tested model rspec:

user_spec.rb require 'spec_helper'

describe user do

  before     @user = "example user", email: "",                      password: "foobaryea", password_confirmation: "foobaryea")   end    subject { @user }    describe "profiles associations"    before { }    let(:profile)     factorygirl.create(:profile, user: @user)   end     "should destroy associated profile"     @profile = @user.profile      @user.destroy     @profile.should_not be_empty       profile.find_by_id( be_nil     end    "should have not more 1 profile"     profile.where(user_id: > 2     should_not true   end  end end 

and had 1 failure in "should destroy associated profile" blocks: nomethoderror: undefined method `empty?'. so, how undersanding, @user.profile nil, why association has not building? i've add "user" in profile factories associate. me, please

nothing wrong rails code , @user.profile may valid. activerecord class not have empty? method, is_empty matcher relies on. should using other matcher if want test @profile object still valid after associated user destroyed.

here's output console session shows creation of user, creation of associated profile, destroying of user , impact of in-memory , saved profile.

2.0.0p247 :001 > user = user.create    (0.2ms)  begin binds [#<activerecord::connectionadapters::postgresqlcolumn:0x007ff0b24c1d50 @oid_type=#<activerecord::connectionadapters::postgresqladapter::oid::timestamp:0x007ff0b2962440>, @array=false, @name="updated_at", @sql_type="timestamp without time zone", @null=true, @limit=nil, @precision=nil, @scale=nil, @type=:datetime, @default=nil, @primary=false, @coder=nil>, fri, 12 jul 2013 14:12:19 utc +00:00]   sql (10.3ms)  insert "users" ("created_at", "updated_at") values ($1, $2) returning "id"  [["created_at", fri, 12 jul 2013 14:12:19 utc +00:00], ["updated_at", fri, 12 jul 2013 14:12:19 utc +00:00]]    (0.7ms)  commit  => #<user id: 6, created_at: "2013-07-12 14:12:19", updated_at: "2013-07-12 14:12:19">  2.0.0p247 :002 > profile = profile.create(user_id:    (0.3ms)  begin binds [#<activerecord::connectionadapters::postgresqlcolumn:0x007ff0b41d3060 @oid_type=#<activerecord::connectionadapters::postgresqladapter::oid::timestamp:0x007ff0b2962440>, @array=false, @name="updated_at", @sql_type="timestamp without time zone", @null=true, @limit=nil, @precision=nil, @scale=nil, @type=:datetime, @default=nil, @primary=false, @coder=nil>, fri, 12 jul 2013 14:12:39 utc +00:00]   sql (3.3ms)  insert "profiles" ("created_at", "updated_at", "user_id") values ($1, $2, $3) returning "id"  [["created_at", fri, 12 jul 2013 14:12:39 utc +00:00], ["updated_at", fri, 12 jul 2013 14:12:39 utc +00:00], ["user_id", 6]]    (0.4ms)  commit  => #<profile id: 4, created_at: "2013-07-12 14:12:39", updated_at: "2013-07-12 14:12:39", user_id: 6>  2.0.0p247 :003 > user.destroy    (0.4ms)  begin binds nil   profile load (1.9ms)  select "profiles".* "profiles" "profiles"."user_id" = $1 order "profiles"."id" asc limit 1  [["user_id", 6]] binds nil   sql (0.8ms)  delete "profiles" "profiles"."id" = $1  [["id", 4]] binds nil   sql (0.5ms)  delete "users" "users"."id" = $1  [["id", 6]]    (0.4ms)  commit  => #<user id: 6, created_at: "2013-07-12 14:12:19", updated_at: "2013-07-12 14:12:19">  2.0.0p247 :004 > profile.find_by_id(4)   profile load (0.7ms)  select "profiles".* "profiles" "profiles"."id" = 4 limit 1  => nil  2.0.0p247 :005 > profile  => #<profile id: 4, created_at: "2013-07-12 14:12:39", updated_at: "2013-07-12 14:12:39", user_id: 6>  2.0.0p247 :006 >  
