jQuery - Endless Carousel from scratch - Next and Previous Arrow behave strangely -

i trying create content slider website. slider canvas area can show 3 items @ time, while there may 4 or more items.

please see jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/qduvw/

(you'll want widen display section @ least 1000px)

in mind, way works this....

have first 3 items visible. remaining items hidden (due overflow), off right of first 3 (visible) items.

when user clicks "next" animating items left 338 pixels (the width of individual items). once animation done, locating first item (which off-screen left), , moving end. doing both .animate() .appendto. ensures visibly @ end, @ end of dom structure.

when use clicks "previous" before anything grabbing last item, , moving first position (both .animate() , prependto()) , performing animation of items right, new first item in place before animation.


when click next few times, seems work ok.. if reload , click prev few times.. works ok.. when click combination of 2 buttons, strange things start happen , not sure why. items seem moving out of turn , wrong locations.

i having hard time finding issue here. advice appreciated!!


body{background:#000;} #poster_holder{     margin-top:5px;     overflow:hidden;     position:relative;     height: 500px;     width:1000px; } #poster_holder #shade_left{     width:49px;     height:510px;     top:0;     left:0;     position:absolute;     background:url(http://s10.postimg.org/km0bl8let/shade_left.png?nocache=1373557653) repeat-y;     z-index:990;     cursor:pointer; }   #poster_holder #shade_right{     width:49px;     height:510px;     top:0;     right:0;     position:absolute;     background:url(http://s10.postimg.org/d4r460vvp/shade_right.png?nocache=1373557653) repeat-y;     z-index:990;     cursor:pointer; } #poster_holder #shade_left .arrow, #poster_holder #shade_right .arrow{     margin-top: 200px;     text-align:center;     color:#fff; }  #poster_holder #shade_left:hover .arrow, #poster_holder #shade_right:hover .arrow{  }     #poster_slider{     width:1400px;     height:500px;     position:absolute;     z-index:900;     overflow:hidden; }     #poster_holder .item{     height:500px;     width:323px;     position:absolute;     top:0;     cursor:pointer;  } #poster_holder .item:last-child{     margin-right:0px !important;         } 


$('#shade_right').click(function(e){  //next     $('#poster_holder .item').animate(         {left: '-=338'},         function(){             var = $('#poster_holder .item:first');             var x = $('#poster_holder .item:last').position().left + 338;             i.animate({'left':x+'px'},1).appendto('#poster_slider');                         }     );                  }); $('#shade_left').click(function(e){   //prev     var = $('#poster_holder .item:last');     i.prependto('#poster_slider').animate({'left':'-338px'},1);     $('#poster_holder .item').animate({         left: '+=338'     }); }); 


<div id="poster_holder">     <div id="poster_slider">          <div class="item" id="item-1" style="left:0px;background:#ff0;"></div>           <div class="item" id="item-2" style="left:338px;background:#0ff;"></div>          <div class="item" id="item-3" style="left:676px;background:#f0f;"></div>          <div class="item" id="item-4" style="left:1014px;background:#00f;"></div>     </div>      <!-- black gradient left & prev button -->     <div id="shade_left"><div class="arrow"><img src="http://s11.postimg.org/5ttem5r0f/arrow_prev.png?nocache=1373557626" /></div></div>     <!-- black gradient right & next button -->     <div id="shade_right"><div class="arrow"><img src="http://s21.postimg.org/bdyks7rwj/arrow_next.png?nocache=1373557551" /></div></div>      </div> 

i found culprit! when clicking next, callback being called 4 times - 1 each animated item. had change next procedure ensure called once @ end.

    $('#shade_right').click(function(e){  //next         $('.posteritem')             .animate({left: '-=338'})             .promise()             .done(function(){                 var firstitem = $('.posteritem:first');                 var pos = $('.posteritem:last').position().left + 338;                 firstitem.animate({'left':pos+'px'},1).appendto('#poster_slider');                             })                      }); 
