iphone - Convert a hash to NSString? -

using evernote api, have object has nsuinteger property called hash. specific object i'm looking at, equal to:

<f5b5444b 33e740b7 f9d49a3b ddb6a39c> 

i want convert nsstring. doing this:

[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%d", noteresource.hash] 

gives me this:


how correctly convert hash value nsstring?

when see output "<" 8 hex digits space .... ">", it's result of logging nsdata object (nslog(@"%@", mydataobject);). believe have not nsuinteger, nsdata * object.

there no built in method convert between strings , data, need in code:

- (nsstring *)datatostring:(nsdata *)data {     nsuinteger len = [data length];     nsmutablestring *str = [nsmutablestring stringwithcapacity:len*2];     const uint8_t *bptr = [data bytes];      while(len--) [str appendformat:@"%02.2x", *bptr++];      return str; } 

if works, can write own stringtodata method reversing above, if needed.
