sql - Trying to combine multiple rows of result set into single row -

select c.customerid,(c.lastname+', '+c.firstname) customername, c.companyname,  d.companyname+' ('+d.lastname+','+d.firstname+')'  "parent companyname(last, first)",s.siteid, s.nickname sitename,  dbo.getsitetelemetryboxlist(s.siteid) "deviceid's",  dbo.getsitetelemetryboxskulist(s.siteid,0) sku site s inner join customer c on s.customerid = c.customerid  inner join customer d on d.customerid = c.parentcustomerid s.createdate between dateadd(day, -65, getutcdate()) , getutcdate() order c.customerid, s.siteid 

the above query returns values this:

cid     customername      companyname           parent companyname(last, first)                 sitename                    deviceid        sku 888296  deyoung, scott    deyoung farms         mercier valley irrigation (mercier,ralph)       h e east                    200241        netb12wr 890980  rust, marcus      null                  chester inc. (young,scott)                      byroad east                 346370        netb12wr 890980  rust, marcus      null                  chester inc. (young,scott)                      byroad west                 345431        netb12wr 891094  pirani, mark      pirani farm         amx irrigation (burroughs,michael)              hwy 64 south                333721        unknown 891094  pirani, mark      pirani farm         amx irrigation (burroughs,michael)              hwy 64 north                250162        netb12wr 891094  pirani, mark      pirani farm         amx irrigation (burroughs,michael)              hwy 64 west                 250164        netb12wr 891094  pirani, mark      pirani farm         amx irrigation (burroughs,michael)              hwy 64 east                 250157        netb12wr 891430  gammil, bob       gammil farms          amx irrigation (burroughs,michael)              angel                       333677        unknown 891430  gammil, bob       gammil farms          amx irrigation (burroughs,michael)              cemetery                    333564        unknown 

the problem face if customerid/name repeating in result set. sitename, deviceid, sku should concatenated represent data 1 value. example, mark pirani row like

 cid   customername  ...   sitename                                               deviceid's                   ... 891904 pirani, mark  ...   hwy 64 south, hwy 64 north, hwy 64 west, hwy 64 east   333721,250162,250164,250157  ...   

you can convert rows transform rows concatenated string:

 select    distinct   stuff((     select ',' + u.username     users u     u.username = username     order u.username     xml path('') ),1,1,'') userlist users group username 
