Combine elements from two multidimensional arrays in JavaScript -

i have following 2 arrays in javascript:

"total":[[1370923200000,"66"],[1371009600000,"42"],[1371096000000,"23"]]  "successful":[[1370923200000,"5"],[1371096000000,"2"],[1371182400000,"0"]] 

i'd combine them 1 array / object looks this:

{date:1370923200000, total:"66", successful:"5"}, {date:1371009600000, total:"42"}, {date:1371096000000, total:"23", successful:"2"}, {date:1371182400000, successful:"0"} 

i've tried multiple different solutions, looping through both arrays, can't seem figure out elegant solution.

here have:

var total = [[1370923200000, "66"],[1371009600000, "42"],[1371096000000, "23"]]; var successful = [[1370923200000, "5"],[1371096000000, "2"],[1371182400000, "0"]]; var combined = {};  for(var i=0; i<total.length; i++){     combined[total[i][0]] = {date: total[i][0], total: total[i][1]}; }  for(var i=0; i<successful.length; i++){     if(successful[i][0] in combined){         combined[successful[i][0]].successful = successful[i][1];     }     else{         combined[successful[i][0]] = {             date: successful[i][0], successful: successful[i][1]         };     } }  var result = []; for(var key in combined){     result.push(combined[key]); } alert(result.tosource()); 

and working fiddle
