python - Is there a way that while running pygame, I can also run the console too? -

i wondering if there way, in python, while graphical piece inside games.screen.mainloop() running, if can user input through raw_input() console.

yes, have @ following example:

import pygame import threading import queue  pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((300, 300)) quit_game = false  commands = queue.queue()  pos = 10, 10  m = {'w': (0, -10),      'a': (-10, 0),      's': (0, 10),      'd': (10, 0)}  class input(threading.thread):   def run(self):     while not quit_game:       command = raw_input()       commands.put(command)  = input() i.start()  old_pos = []  while not quit_game:   try:     command = commands.get(false)   except queue.empty:     command = none    if command in m:     old_pos.append(pos)     pos = map(sum, zip(pos, m[command]))    if pygame.event.get(pygame.quit):     print "press enter exit"     quit_game = true    pygame.event.poll()    screen.fill((0, 0, 0))   p in old_pos:, (50, 0, 0), p, 10, 2), (200, 0, 0), pos, 10, 2)   pygame.display.flip()  i.join() 

it creates little red circle. can move around entering w, a, s or d console.

enter image description here
