magento - attribute value added cart checkout and order page -

i using magento version

i have added available_color different product color(newly added attributes) check box in product detail page.using below code


<?php         $_product->getresource()->getattribute('available_colors')->getfrontend()->getvalue($_product);         $color = $_product->getattributetext('available_colors');           ?>         <h2>item color</h2>         <?php foreach ($color $value): ?>             <label class="span4" style="margin-left:0px;">             <input class="pro_color_<?php echo $value; ?>" name="<?php echo $value; ?>" value="<?php echo $value; ?>" type="checkbox">             <?php echo $value; ?>                                </label>                             <?php endforeach; ?> 

customer can able select multiple color .after select product color need show multiple color value in cart , checkout , order page.

how pass color value product detail other page?.


i think should use custom options feature instead of using attribute. here nice screencast custom options.
have create custom option type checkbox , use values colors. downside of if want options more products, have manually add option all. or can search extension allows 1 custom option multiple products.
after adding options, don't have anything. added options cart.
