ruby on rails - posting nested attributes from active resource frontend to acitve model backend -

hello i'm trying post nested attributes backend. posting new model works fine long don't try include nested model.

my form.html.erb:

<%= simple_form_for(@petition, :url => petitions_path, :html => {:multipart => true}, :html => {:class => 'form-horizontal' }) |f| %>   <%= f.simple_fields_for :userdetail_attributes |m| %>             <%= m.input :anrede, :label => "anrede", collection: ["frau","herr","familie"], label_html: {class: 'span4'}, input_html: { class: 'span11  pull-right' }  %>           <%= m.input :titel,  :label => "akadem. grad/bez.", label_html: {class: 'span4'}, input_html: { class: 'span11  pull-right' }%>           <%= m.input :name, :label => "vorname", label_html: {class: 'span4'}, input_html: { class: 'span11  pull-right' } %>           <%= m.input :last_name, :label => "nachname", label_html: {class: 'span4'}, input_html: { class: 'span11  pull-right' } %>           <%= m.input :institution , :label => "institution", label_html: {class: 'span4'}, input_html: { class: 'span11  pull-right' }%>           <%= m.input :zip, :label => "postleizahl", label_html: {class: 'span4'}, input_html: { class: 'span11  pull-right' } %>           <%= m.input :city, :label => "stadt", label_html: {class: 'span4'}, input_html: { class: 'span11  pull-right' } %>           <%= m.input :street, :label => "stra&szlig;e", label_html: {class: 'span4'}, input_html: { class: 'span11  pull-right' } %>           <%= m.input :street_number, :label => "hausnummer", label_html: {class: 'span4'}, input_html: { class: 'span11  pull-right' } %>           <%= m.input :state, :label => "staatsangehörigkeit", label_html: {class: 'span4'}, input_html: { class: 'span11  pull-right' } %>           <%= m.input :telefon, :label => "telefon", label_html: {class: 'span4'}, input_html: { class: 'span11  pull-right' } %>           <%= m.input :fax, :label => "fax", label_html: {class: 'span4'}, input_html: { class: 'span11  pull-right' } %>           <%= m.input :email, :label => "e-mail", label_html: {class: 'span4'}, input_html: { class: 'span11  pull-right' } %>   <% end %>   <%= f.input :title, :label => "titel der petition", label_html: {class: 'span4'}, input_html: { class: 'span11  pull-right' }%>   <%= f.input :ziel, :label => "welches ziel hat ihre petition?",:as => :text, label_html: {class: 'span4'}, input_html: { class: 'span11  pull-right' }%>   ...   <%= f.button :submit, "petition einreichen", :class => "blue btn pull-right" %> <% end %> 

when hit button frontend sends_out following

started post "/petitions" @ 2013-07-11 11:58:23 +0200 processing petitionscontroller#create html parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓",   "authenticity_token"=>"u04pq55e7qy3nyoh2pwhm5tp6mawkrq9thk5ibgx3+c=",    "api_petition"=>{      "userdetail_attributes"=>{        "anrede"=>"frau",         "titel"=>"prof",         "name"=>"xxxx",         "last_name"=>"xxx",         "institution"=>"123",         "zip"=>"00000", "city"=>"stuttgart",         "street"=>"klemmenstr",         "street_number"=>"12",         "state"=>"d", "telefon"=>"", "fax"=>"",         "email"=>""},       "title"=>"sem malesuada consectetur nibh mollis",       "ziel"=>"aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit...",       ... }, "commit"=>"petition einreichen"} 

and that

set authtoken --> hdrwi8cxjijbntyzx5mt <-- , xxx http://localhost:4000/users/1.json --> 200 ok  10102 (283.0ms) post http://localhost:4000/petitions.json --> 500 internal server error  8448 (102.8ms) completed 500 internal server error in 391ms 

my backend receives fancy bit

started post "/petitions.json" @ 2013-07-11 11:42:53 +0200 processing petitionscontroller#create json parameters: {"petition"=>{"akzeptiert_agb"=>"1", "gegen_was"=>"",     "gegen_wen"=>"", "gesetzes_aenderung"=>"", "oeffentlich"=>"1", "pstatus_id"=>1,    "rechtsbehelfe"=>"", "title"=>"sem malesuada consectetur nibh mollis",    "umstand"=>"", "user_id"=>1,      "userdetail_attributes"=>{      "userdetail_attributes"=>{        "anrede"=>"frau", "city"=>"weimar", "email"=>"",         "fax"=>"", "institution"=>"123", "last_name"=>"name", "name"=>"name",        "state"=>"d", "street"=>"klemmenstr", "street_number"=>"12", "telefon"=>"",         "titel"=>"prof", "zip"=>"99423"      }    },     "ziel"=>"aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit..." }} completed 500 internal server error in 2ms 

i have idea duplication of userdetail attributes comes from. gues leads following error in backend:

activemodel::massassignmentsecurity::error - can't mass-assign protected attributes: userdetail_attributes: 

my petitions_controller.rb in frontend:

def new   @petition =   @userdetail =   respond_to |format|     format.html # new.html.erb     format.json { render json: @petition }   end end   # post /petitions # post /petitions.json def create   @petition =[:api_petition])   @petition.user_id =   @petition.pstatus_id = 1   if !params[:userdetail].nil?     @petition.userdetail =[:userdetail]) @petition.userdetail.user_id =   end   respond_to |format|     if       format.html { redirect_to user_path(current_user), notice: 'ihre petition wurde erfolgreich zur weiteren prüfung überstellt.' }     else       format.html  { render action: "new" , notice: 'bedauerlicherweise ist etwas schiefgelaufen, ihre petition wurde nicht gespeichert'}     end   end end 

my petition.rb in backend:

class petition < activerecord::base   has_one :userdetail   accepts_nested_attributes_for :userdetail #, :reject_if => proc { |attributes|   attributes['userdetail'].blank? }    attr_accessible :title, :akzeptiert_agb, :begruendung, :gegen_was, :gegen_wen,    :gesetzes_aenderung, :oeffentlich, :rechtsbehelfe, :umstand, :ziel, :pstatus, :user, :voters, :user_id, :pdf, :can_vote, :count_users_voted, :phase, :started, :neu, :beratung, :archiv, :private_pdf, :abschlussberichts, :abschlussberichts, :status, :moderated, :moderationdate, :userdetail 

my petitions_controller.rb in backend

      # /petitions/new       # /petitions/new.json       def new         @petition =         @userdetail =         respond_to |format|           format.html # new.html.erb           format.json { render json: @petition.to_json(:include => [@userdetail]) }         end       end        # post /petitions       # post /petitions.json       def create         @petition =[:petition])         #@petition.user = user.find( || user.find_by_authentication_token(session[:auth_token])          @petition.pstatus = pstatus.find(1)         if params[:userdetail].nil?             @petition.userdetail =[:userdetail])         end          respond_to |format|           if             format.html { redirect_to user_path(current_user || user.find_by_authentication_token(session[:auth_token]).id ), notice: 'ihre petition wurde erfolgreich zur weiteren prüfung überstellt.' }             format.json { render json: @petition, status: :created, location: @petition }           else             format.html  { render action: "new" , notice: 'irgendetwas ist gerade schiefgelaufen. bitte wenden sie sich an: 03643/778525.'}             format.json { render json: @petition.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }           end         end       end 

my userdetails.rb in backend

class userdetail < activerecord::base   belongs_to :user   belongs_to :petition   attr_accessible :anrede, :city, :email, :fax, :institution, :last_name, :name, :state, :street, :street_number, :telefon, :titel, :zip 

has idea how fix this? i've been trying lot still can't head around nesting of userdetails_attributes. in advance , sorry ultra long text.

just add




or :userdetails, idea should plural.
