json (only) - fully dynamic- jquery select box dropdown -

hi have regular select box values in it. problem is long it's causing page load speed issues on mobile networks , causing page fail on load more might expect..

since field changed thought better event

i googled lot , found little dynamic select box - came with


 <br>  <div class="ui-widget-header">customer:</div>   <select      name="customer_id" id="customer_id" class="ui-widget-content"      style="width:642px;">             <option value="1">francis l. mcbride</option>  </select> 


<script> $(function() {   $("#customer_id").click(function(){           $('#customer_id').prop("disabled", true);           $.getjson("select.php?table=customer", function(j){               var current = $("#customer_id").val();               var options = '';               $.map(j.params, function(item) {                   options += '<option value="' + item.id + ((current==item.id)?' selected':'')+'">' + item.name + '</option>';               });               $("#customer_id").html(options);               $('#customer_id').prop("disabled", false);           });     }); }); </script> 

hopefully can see doing - showing "old" value in drop down - populating , redrawing .getjson call - problem is doesn't work - - first click shows 1 item (top of json get) 2nd , subsequent clicks flickers , changes selected top of list every time

i fixed latter part of there typo around select

             $.map(j.params, function(item) {                   options += '<option value="' + item.id + '"' +((current==item.id)?' selected':'')+'>' + item.name + '</option>';               }); 

in chrome:

  • but still fails work on first use after page load.. bizarre.. appears browser animation literally finishes fast after first render of 1 option feel confident case because if use alerts around getjson call renders fine first time (albeit alertbox interruption).

in firefox

  • totally different bug - brower refuses not redraw new text selectbox. if click drop down removes previous setting



there no solution because can't interrupt drop-down event **at all**, decided upon hybrid (poor) solution.

pseudo code solution:

  • mask selectbox event overlay containing disabled input box only
  • cause overlay swap dropdown underlay after user engages event


      <script>       $(function() {        $("#customer_id_slidebutton").button({ icons: { primary: "ui-icon-triangle-1-s" }, text: false });        $('#customer_id_slidediv').hide();         $("#customer_id_slidebutton").click(function(e){             if ($('#customer_id_overlay').is(":visible")){                $.getjson("select.php?table=customer", function(j){                    var current = $("#customer_id").val();                    var options = '';                    $.map(j.params, function(item) {                        options += '<option value="' + item.id + '"'+((current==item.id)?' selected':'')+'>' + item.name + '</option>';                    });                    $('#customer_id').html(options);                    $('#customer_id_slidediv').show();                    $('#customer_id_overlay').hide();                 });            }             else{                 $('#customer_id_slidediv').hide();                 $('#customer_id_overlay').show();             }            return false;         });         $("#customer_id").change(function(){            $('#customer_id_fakedisplay').val($("#customer_id option:selected").text());         });      });      </script> 


<button id="customer_id_slidebutton" class="formbox" style=" z-index : 3; width:26px; height:26px; position:relative; top:29px; left: 200px;">customer_id display</button><br> <div id="customer_id_overlay" style="position: relative; top: -9px; height:21px; "> <input class="ui-widget-content formview"  id="customer_id_fakedisplay" disabled value="russell y. guerrero" style="width:602px;"> </div> <div id="customer_id_slidediv" style="position: relative; top: -10px; height:21px; "d> <select name="customer_id" id="customer_id" class="ui-widget-content formbox" style="width:610px;"> <option value="2">russell y. guerrero</option> </select> </div> 


{"params":[{"id":"7","name":"amena d. bradford"},{"id":"9","name":"cameron n. morse"},{"id":"8","name":"camille e. preston"},{"id":"10","name":"doris z. cline"},{"id":"1","name":"francis l. mcbride"},{"id":"4","name":"quamar q. gregory"},{"id":"5","name":"reece w. rhodes"},{"id":"2","name":"russell y. guerrero"},{"id":"3","name":"tamekah i. barton"},{"id":"6","name":"yetta v. poole"}],"count":"10"} 

i don't fulfils objectives me:

  • only loads single <option></option> unless needs changing - very rare event
  • means don't cause server burden every time page loaded
  • goes json select no "pre-select" load hit (event driven server get)
  • cleanly shows change choices user


thanks psl deleted thread reason

fiddle can see jsfiddle of (some of positioning of button looked bad reworked widthe , things works) http://jsfiddle.net/ups54/
