java - Why this query does not work? -

i writing very simple query. cannot find error. here code:

 con = dbconnect.connect();   try {     preparedstatement query = (preparedstatement) con.preparestatement("select * accounts iban=?");     query.setstring(1, iban);      resultset result = (resultset) query.executequery();     double oldbalance;     } catch (sqlexception e) {          system.out.println(e);     } 

i sure name of table accounts, , there exists column of type varchar called iban. debugged , sure query.setstring(1, iban); line sets iban correctly.

but when comes line resultset result = (resultset) query.executequery(); jumps last line, consists of "}". not enter catch block , cannot see problem.

what wrong here can please tell me?


edit: looks query executes succesfully. after executequery line do:

double oldbalance=result.getdouble("iban"); 

and gives me error:

 java.sql.sqlexception: before start of result set 

can tell me problem here?

when debug code, once you're @ resultset result = (resultset) query.executequery(); line, since nothing else after done in try block, if go next step, jump end of block.

so query might working fine, need in block since resultset assigned within block.

edit : check answer other problem.
