python - Video player to stream video as it downloads -

i writing wxpython application connects large (2gb+) video file , downloads file in chunks. have been using play file once downloaded , externally calling avconv split video file audio , video. once file split perform basic voice recognition , display returned results @ correct time while video playing.

what want adapt application, processing takes place whilst file still downloading, , have hit bit of hurdle how started. looking suggestions how started. far have thread starts download , buffers chunk of file @ time. need python player allow me append each chunk of data in memory , update player available video gets longer. sure wont let me seems support loading video files disk. need ideas how split audio video whilst downloading , how can store in memory. looking pure python ideas, don't want write data disk.

in essence need achieve video player populates file downloaded , gives access audio stream downloads...

many thanks!

i think best way split file small parts (part1, part2, part3 ect...) tell video player play part1 first, part2 , later join files have been played (refer play mp3 file while downloading?)
