mvc - Kendo MVC Dynamic Linq extensions -

i've been trialling kendo mvc helper framework bit (specifically work grid have indirectly bound database via entity framework) , although it's cool have run couple of problems/concerns i'm, hoping here able with.

most of examples see on kendo site show power of todatasourceresult iqueryable extension method being run directly controller, in system we're building isn't going fly - need have clear decoupling of controller , service/dal/ef layers. means these layers going have have dependency on kendo.mvc.dll concern architects because tightly coupling staying kendo throughout lifecycle of product.

getting access actual raw expressions generated dynamic linq extensions in kendo dll solve problem because able take in datasourcerequest, various collections of expressions (sort,filter, group, etc) , pass them down business layers without layers having knowledge of kendo, execute them , package results return datasourceresult.

this way, if halfway through project client-side framework changes, i'll need worry how generate expressions new framework, , won't need touch lower layers @ all.

does know if possible @ all? can make out, of expression builders in kendo.mvc.infrastructure.* namespace internal or private...

the kendo examples fastest simplest way show off product - tell our new developers not use them reference.

we have our presentation layer split 3 projects web (view), controllers, , models (applied view call viewmodels not confused mvvm). kendo dll reference in web , controller. have presentation service connects multiple projects in business layer (where have models , can apply dataannotation) , data provider layer - dependency injected , ioc - , kendo dll not found anywhere in these.

we have ui automation testing free telerik testing framework has translator kendo well.

so long winded answer, yes.

out team of 15-20 developers has been able develop large web based systems rapidly using kendo. recommend highly.

hope helps.
