xcode - xcodebuild (version 4.6.3) -configuration argument does not override the buildConfiguration attribute in <target>.xcscheme -

this may have been case in earlier versions of xcode, not sure. noticed archiving using command line (like script via jenkins do) not allow me override configuration using xcodebuild argument option.


i produce archive of "testscheme" using workspace file "testscheme.xcworkspace"

here relevant piece of testscheme.xcscheme

<archiveaction       buildconfiguration = "ad hoc" revealarchiveinorganizer = "yes"> </archiveaction> 

here run @ command line build archive:

xcodebuild -scheme testscheme -workspace testscheme.xcworkspace -configuration someotherconfig archive 

what produced archive built "ad hoc" configuration. poured on xcscheme file, xcworkspace dir , , can't see why "-configuration" command line argument has no effect whatsoever.
