java - Insert a set of hashmaps into cache -

how insert set of hashmaps cache?

after executing below code got below exception.

net.sf.jsr107cache.cacheexception: not find class: 'ri.cache.basiccachefactory' @ net.sf.jsr107cache.cachemanager.getcachefactory( @ insertintocache.main( 

i want insert hashmap value string key.any hugely appreciated

import; import java.util.hashmap; import java.util.collections; import net.sf.jsr107cache.cache; import net.sf.jsr107cache.cacheexception; import net.sf.jsr107cache.cachefactory; import net.sf.jsr107cache.cachemanager;  public class insertintocache {     public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception {        cache cache;         try {           cachefactory cachefactory = cachemanager.getinstance().getcachefactory();           cache = cachefactory.createcache(collections.emptymap());           string key="21";                 byte[] value=("twenty one").getbytes();               cache.put(key, value);           value = (byte[]) cache.get(key);           system.out.println(value);       } catch (cacheexception e) {           e.printstacktrace();       }    } }   

i suggest using imcache. can construct cache follows,

cache<string, string> cache = cachebuilder.concurrentheapcache().build(); 
