php - What's the syntax to get a create_function function to work as a callback: -

i attempted following code:

$for_callback=create_function('$match','return $globals[\'replacements\'][$match[1]];'); $result = preg_replace_callback( $regex, '$for_callback', $string); 

the variable $globals['replacements'] generated dynamically before function called.

i error message like

warning: preg_replace_callback() [function.preg-replace-callback]: requires argument 2, '$for_callback', valid callback in...

created functions , callbacks both new me. growing out of code given me nickb @ my question preg_replace turned preg_replace_callback.

what i'm trying wrap code in answer function , i'm running errors scope avoiding re-defining function. (upgrading php 5.3+ remote posibility option me @ moment.)

how work?

first, variables must not enclosed single quotes, not replaced real value.

and second, should use anonymous functions (i.e. closures) instead easier. use them in example:

$for_callback = function($match) {     return $globals['replacements'][$match[1]]; }; $result = preg_replace_callback( $regex, $for_callback, $string); 

edit: closures became available in php 5.3. if still using php < 5.3 should (really update or) use following:

$for_callback=create_function('$match','return $globals[\'replacements\'][$match[1]];'); $result = preg_replace_callback( $regex, $for_callback, $string); 
