sql server - reseeding Identity Values for selected Tables -

how reseed selected basing on last count.i have written query to reseed basing on last count.but how 10 tables @ time .

declare @last int select @last=max(empid) table_1 dbcc checkident (table_1, reseed, @last) 

but how more 10 tables or more tables...reseeding @ 1 go basing on last count

iterate through tables want , run above commands per table.

you'll have build sql statements dynamically.

for example, , sql server 2008 r2 (you don't specify using), trick:

declare @tname sysname, -- hold each table name     @sname sysname,     -- hold each table's schema name     @idcol sysname,     -- hold name of identity column of each table     @sql nvarchar(4000) -- build each dynamic sql statement  -- declare cursor iterate through table , schema names -- of current database. -- add clause here if needed. declare idtables cursor     select name, schema_name(schema_id)         sys.tables  open idtables  -- fetch first table , schema name corresponding variables fetch next idtables @tname, @sname while @@fetch_status = 0 begin     -- ensure no dirty values if table has no identity column     set @idcol = null     -- build 1st statement.     -- objective: identity column name, if any.     set @sql = 'select @idcolname = name         sys.columns         object_id = object_id(''' + @sname + '.' + @tname + ''')             , is_identity = 1'     -- run statement , store result @idcol     exec sp_executesql @sql,                        n'@idcolname sysname output',                        @idcolname = @idcol output     if @idcol not null     begin         -- time 2nd statement.         -- objective: find maximum identity value , reseed table.         set @sql = 'declare @lastid int;             select @lastid = max(' + @idcol + ')                 [' + @sname + '].[' + @tname + '];             if @lastid not null                 dbcc checkident (''' + @sname + '.' + @tname + ''', reseed, @lastid)'         exec sp_executesql @sql     end     fetch next idtables @tname, @sname end  close idtables deallocate idtables 
