Regex to remove scheme (http:) for a URL -

this question has answer here:

i have never used regex before , have been asked remove scheme url. make transform url //

i wondering whether possible? , know if knew tutorials or website me absolute beginner.

thanks can give.

you basic string manipulation, , recommend on regex.

however if insist on using regex, here's regex if combined regex replace of whichever language using:

^http: ^\   / | \ / |  `- match string literally | `- match @ start of string 

if you're going remove https: this:

^https?: ^\  /^^^ | \/ ||| | |  ||`- literally match `:` | |  |`- previous optional (literal s) | |  `- literally match s | `- match string literally | `- match @ start of string 

these assume checking exact urls, if you'd check anywhere in string, replace ^ anchor (beginnning of string) \b word boundary:

\bhttps?: \/\  /^^^ |  \/ ||| |  |  ||`- literally match `:` |  |  |`- previous optional (literal s) |  |  `- literally match s |  `- match string literally | `- word boundary (typically whitespace, `][` , on 

make regex replace matches pattern '' (empty string). recommend adding i flag case-insensitive matching.

here's tutorial site on regular expressions:
