visual studio - WPF: VS2012 designer shows "The component 'XXX' does not have a resource identified by the URI YYY" -

as title suggests, error thrown designer, means designer can't display usercontrol correctly in turn means can't navigate smoothly element element in usercontrol make modification. annoying.

xxx name of usercontrol, while uri yyy xxx's path. don't know understand can't find resource. googled error, of them happened in runtime. in case doesn't happen @ when execute it. description of error not explanatory enough, because not sure in clr loading file resource.

another thing might worth mentioning is, error happens after build application project, error usercontrol resides in. after click clean project, designer can display whole stuff (but can't clean project every time before make change, since building takes time)

it possible control's .g.cs or .g.i.cs file has been corrupted. try clean, close visual studio , restart it. think helped me in several cases when copy paste controls 1 solution another.
