spring - Why is my Mule Flow doing multiple HTTP requests when its supposed to make only 1? -

hi guys got simple http mule flow connects 3rd party api using rest "create user", "create account", "create site" , methods.

thing whenever run flow, see makes multiple requests, why happening? shouldn't doing 1 request flow goes? thought in beginning maybe doing "retries" or times gets connected , response quickly.

should adding flow code? mean simple mule flow a

 <http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" host="localhost" port="8082" doc:name="http"/> 

and few string beans custom httphttps class make rest connections during flow (with api keys, method, url , such)

thanks in advance.

simply place following filter after http inbound endpoint:

<not-filter>     <wildcard-filter pattern="/favicon.ico"/> </not-filter>     
