How to call javascript function and c# code on asp:button? -

when user clicks button on page, need

  1. save file asp:fileupload in folder on server - guess needs done in c#, in how correctly use fileupload control

  2. run javascript function in how call javascript function button click event

is there way combine c# , javascript achieve need? if not, how should it?

try using onclientclick property of asp:button element.

ex, on .aspx file:

<script type="text/javascript">   function myfunction()   {     alert('hi');   }     </script> ...  <asp:button id="button1"    usesubmitbehavior="true"    text="open web site"    onclientclick="myfunction()"    runat="server" onclick="button1_click" /> 

and in code behind (.aspx.cs)

  void button1_click (object sender, eventargs e)   {     if (this.fileupload1.hasfile)     {         this.fileupload1.saveas("c:\\" + this.fileupload1.filename);     }    } 

more info at
