Cannot Parse Nested JSON Fully Sencha -

my output ![my output][1]

i have been trying parse nested json url cannot parse , have looked available link: link1 link2 link3 link4

this previous question

my json is

({ "accountinfo": {     "expire_date": "2014-07-02 08:01:09",     "subscribe_date": "2013-07-02 08:01:09",     "time_remain": " 355 days 20 hours 47 minutes",     "status": "not expired" }, "status": "true", "message": "todays word", "data": [     {         "name": "abacus",         "author": "admin",         "word_id": "2",         "category": "education",         "definitions": [             {                 "rating": "green",                 "defintion": "replace \"my pc\" asdf edited",                 "def_id": "53",                 "example": null,                 "author": "admin"             },             {                 "rating": "this definition not rated yet.",                 "defintion": "my new definition of word abacus",                 "def_id": "7",                 "example": null,                 "author": "admin"             },             {                 "rating": "this definition not rated yet.",                 "defintion": "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. ea, tempore labore veritatis maxime beatae est incidunt consectetur adipisci dolore reiciendis. nostrum fugiat cumque beatae voluptatum.",                 "def_id": "45",                 "example": null,                 "author": "admin"             },             {                 "rating": "this definition not rated yet.",                 "defintion": "this sub def rep abacus' \"venture capitalist\"",                 "def_id": "31",                 "example": null,                 "author": "admin"             }         ],         "is_favourite": "yes"     } ] }) 

my model are

ext.define('', { extend: '', config: {     fields: [         'name',         'author',         'word_id',         'category',       'data.definitions.definition'     ],      belongsto: "" } });  ext.define('', { extend: '',  requires: [''],  config: {     fields: [         {name: 'status', mapping: 'status'},         {name: 'message', mapping: 'message'},         {name:'data', mapping: 'data'},         {name: 'definitions', mapping: 'definitions.defintion'},         {name: 'ratings', mapping: 'definitions.rating'},        /* {name: 'definition', mapping: 'definitions'}*/      /*{name: 'definition', mapping: 'data.definition.final_rating'}, json data     parsing favourite page , today's word 65%*/       ], } }); 

my store

ext.define('', { extend: '',  config: {     model: '',     autoload: true,     //sorters: 'name',     grouper: {         groupfn: function(record) {             return record.get('name')[0];         }     } } }); 

my view

ext.define("sencha.view.main", { extend: '', requires: ['ext.titlebar', 'sencha.view.contacts'],  config: {     tabbarposition: 'bottom',      items: [         {             title: 'contacts',             iconcls: 'home',              xtype: 'contacts'         }     ] } });  ![i have been able upto this][7] ext.define('sencha.view.contacts', { extend: 'ext.list', xtype: 'contacts',  config: {     title: 'stores',     cls: 'x-contacts',      store: 'contacts',     itemtpl: [          '<div>',             '<h2><b>hello</b></h2>',             '<tpl for="data">',                 '<div> - {name}</div>',                 '<div> - {author}</div>',                 '<div> - {word_id}</div>',                 '<div> - {category}</div>',                '<div> - {definitions}</div>',              '</tpl>',         '</div>'     ].join('') } }); 

my output supposed ![enter image description here][8]

i'm not sure trying achieve, rebuilt application locally , able screen:


i think major change made json:

    [     {         "accountinfo": {             "expire_date": "2014-07-02 08:01:09",             "subscribe_date": "2013-07-02 08:01:09",             "time_remain": " 355 days 20 hours 47 minutes",             "status": "not expired"         },         "status": "true",         "message": "todays word",         "data": [             {                 "name": "abacus",                 "author": "admin",                 "word_id": "2",                 "category": "education",                 "definitions": [                     {                         "rating": "green",                         "defintion": "replace \"my pc\" asdf edited",                         "def_id": "53",                         "example": null,                         "author": "admin"                     },                     {                         "rating": "this definition not rated yet.",                         "defintion": "my new definition of word abacus",                         "def_id": "7",                         "example": null,                         "author": "admin"                     },                     {                         "rating": "this definition not rated yet.",                         "defintion": "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. ea, tempore labore veritatis maxime beatae est incidunt consectetur adipisci dolore reiciendis. nostrum fugiat cumque beatae voluptatum.",                         "def_id": "45",                         "example": null,                         "author": "admin"                     },                     {                         "rating": "this definition not rated yet.",                         "defintion": "this sub def rep abacus' \"venture capitalist\"",                         "def_id": "31",                         "example": null,                         "author": "admin"                     }                 ],                 "is_favourite": "yes"             }         ]     } ] 

give shot , let me know if still have errors, or if looking else.

good luck, brad
