sql server - MySQL Migration error: Invalid timestamp literal detected -

i trying migrate ms sql 2008 r2 database mysql 5.6 ce. using mysql workbench 5.2. migration finished tons of errors.

most of errors are:

[wrn][ copytable]: invalid timestamp literal detected: ''.

this error message makes no sense many table not have datetime column. example trying migrate 4 rows of data table:

/****** object:  table [dbo].[defresidentialstatus]    script date: 07/11/2013 14:33:47 ******/ set ansi_nulls on go  set quoted_identifier on go  create table [dbo].[defresidentialstatus](     [idresstatuskey] [int] identity(1,1) not null,     [desc1] [nvarchar](50) not null,     [desc2] [nvarchar](50) not null,     [active] [bit] not null,  constraint [pk_defresidentialstatus] primary key clustered  (     [idresstatuskey] asc )with (pad_index  = off, statistics_norecompute  = off, ignore_dup_key = off, allow_row_locks  = on, allow_page_locks  = on) on [primary] ) on [primary]  go  alter table [dbo].[defresidentialstatus] add  constraint [df_defresidentialstatus_active]  default ((1)) [active] go 

the log this:

testdb.defresidentialstatus:copying 4 columns of 4 rows table [testdb].[dbo].[defresidentialstatus]


04:33 [wrn][ copytable]: invalid timestamp literal detected: ''

04:33 [wrn][ copytable]: invalid timestamp literal detected: ''

04:33 [wrn][ copytable]: invalid timestamp literal detected: ''

04:33 [wrn][ copytable]: invalid timestamp literal detected: ''

04:33 [wrn][ copytable]: invalid timestamp literal detected: ''

<<< repeat same error message 40 times, not included save space >>>

04:34 [wrn][ copyprogress:testdb.defresidentialstatus:4:4 ............. testdb.defresidentialstatus has failed (0 of 4 rows copied)

i have no idea what's going on. simple table 4 columns , 4 rows. not table returning type of error, 1 of simplest.

data in table:

1   pending     pending     1     2   arrived     arrived     1     3   cancelled   cancelled   1     4   departed    departed    1 

datetime - in mysql datetime not contain milliseconds. sql server datetime datatype contains milliseconds. error: “invalid timestamp literal detected” error. solution: convert datetime type smalldatetime in sql server if not mind losing milliseconds.

here code conversion:

select convert(smalldatetime,<columnname>); 

after converison shouldn't have trouple importing it.
