GWT: Jetty version in dev mode -

i have 2 questions:
1. jetty version used gwt 2.5.1 in dev-mode?
2. there way change version?

  1. 6.1.11 (source:
    note 2.6 , 2.7 use jetty 8.1.12.v20130726, , 2.8 uses jetty 9.2.14.v20151106
  2. yes, can implement servletcontainerlauncher starts version of jetty. beware of classpath conflicts though! (but suppose you'll want use recent version , new versions use org.eclipse.jetty rather org.mortbay.jetty root package there shouldn't problem (with old gwt pre-2.6).

fyi, gwt-dev split several jars in next version of gwt (or maybe 1 after that) , dependency on jetty moved optional jar, , possibly updated well. (note though gwttestcase depends on jetty)
edit: happens gwt 2.8, jetty needed sdm (codeserver) , jetty has bad track of backwards compatibility.
