c++ - destructor is called continuesly -

i'm working on game using opengl es 2.0 on android (in c++ using ndk).

i have class called "drawable" base class drawing objects using opengl. in destructor of class have clean buffers :

drawable::~drawable() { loge("release"); releasebuffers(); } 

but destructor called endlessly (as in every loop of thread), messes drawing.

i'm kind of lost here , not find similar problems, welcome!

edit: loop code here : link

edit2: found 1 of evil calls:

in player class have call:



void weapon::draw(player* p) 

if comment this, spam gone.

there few ways destructor gets called:

1) create instance of drawable on stack, , falls out of scope. if done in tight loop, object fall out of scope , destroyed @ each iteration of loop. example:

for (size_t = 0; < 100; ++i) {   drawable d; } 

here, 100 instances of drawable created , destroyed, @ beginning , end of every loop.

2) delete dynamically-allocated drawable:

for (size_t = 0; < 100; ++i) {   drawable* d = new drawable;   delete drawable; } 

3) call destructor explicitly:

drawable* b = new (buffer) drawable; b->~drawable() 

note #3 uses "placement new" , highly unlikely.

objects can destroyed @ suprising times when in container such vector. consider:

vector <drawable> drawables; (size_t = 0; < 10000; ++i) {   drawable d;   drawables.push_back (d); } 

you notice potentially many destructor calls when run code. when push_back, copy potentially made , original (d here) destroyed. also, when vector reaches capacity has reallocate, results in every item being copied again, , originals destroyed.

objects can destroyed @ suprising time in face of temporaries , unexpected copies. consider:

void dosomething (drawable d) { }  int main() {   drawable d;   (size_t = 0; < 1000; ++i)   {     dosomething (d);   } } 

this naive example because compiler elide temporaries in case. since dosomething() takes drawable by-value copy of original made. depending on other code, compiler might not able elide copy.
