html - Extend div height within a div of uncertain height -

i'm trying extend height of div within div doesn't have fixed height. have without using position:absolute because extended div needs interact other divs.

the extended div can't have fixed height , neither div it's in...

is there way in css without using js?


to clarify, in example, i'm trying extend height of .extend div top bottom of .main div. .extend should not have fixed height , should not position absolute because needs push elements that's around it. make things more complicated, divs fluid site except .extend div must have width of 100%.

if specify height .extend see i'm trying achieve need without height specified.

actually simple hack like,

.container {     display:table-row; } .extended {     display: table-cell;     background: green;     width: 150px; } .main {     display:table-cell; } 


hope helps
