send email in php with attachment -

i have use code in php mail send attachment. using apache http server wamp.

            <?php $to = '';  // declaring necessary variables mail sending :                  $subject  = 'testing sendmail.exe';                 $name = $_request['name'] ;                 $email = $_request['email'] ;                 $mob = $_request['mob'] ;                $msg = $_request['msg'] ;                 $message  = ' santosh enquire \n\nname: '.$name.' \n email:'. $email.' \n mobile:'.     $mob.' \n message: '.$msg.' \n ';  // declaration of attributes attachment.                 $upload_name=$_files["upload"]["name"];                $upload_type=$_files["upload"]["type"];                $upload_size=$_files["upload"]["size"];                $upload_temp=$_files["upload"]["tmp_name"];                $fp = fopen($upload_temp, "rb");                $file = fread($fp, $upload_size);                 fclose($fp);               $file = chunk_split(base64_encode($file));               $num = md5(time());  // defining contents of header.                 $headers = "from: ".$email. "\r\n" . "cc:" ;                 $headers  .= "mime-version: 1.0\r\n";                $headers  .= "content-type: multipart/mixed; ";                $headers  .= "boundary=".$num."\r\n";                $headers  .= "--$num\r\n";                //$headers .= "message-id: <".gettimeofday()."  thesystem@".$_server['server_name'].">\r\n";                $headers .= "x-mailer: php v".phpversion()."\r\n";                 $headers .= "content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";                $headers .= "content-transfer-encoding: 8bit\r\n";                $headers .= "".$message."\n";                $headers .= "--".$num."\n";                 $headers  .= "content-type:".$upload_type." ";                $headers  .= "name=\"".$upload_name."\"r\n";                $headers  .= "content-transfer-encoding: base64\r\n";                $headers  .= "content-disposition: attachment; ";                $headers  .= "filename=\"".$upload_name."\"\r\n\n";                $headers  .= "".$file."\r\n";                $headers  .= "--".$num."--";                //$data = chunk_split(base64_encode($data));  // sending mail.                 if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers))                 {                echo "email sent";                send();                  }                 else                 {                echo "email sending failed";                 }     //send mail in client                   function send()                 {                $email = $_request['email'] ;                $name = $_request['name'] ;                $to= trim($email);                   $subject  = 'thanx';                $message = '<html><head><title>html email</title></head>               <body style="background-color:#000099;"><p style="color:#000099;">this email contains  html tags!</p><table><tr><th>firstname</th><th>lastname</th></tr><tr><td>john</td><td>doe</td></tr></table></body></html>';$headers1 = 'mime-version: 1.0' . "\r\n";                $headers1.= 'content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";                $headers1.= "from: ".$email;                 if(mail($to, $subject, $message,$headers1))                 {                echo "email sent";                 }                else                 {                echo "email sending failed";                echo $to;                echo $subject;                echo $message;                 }             }              ?> 

but got following error;

delivery following recipient failed permanently:                   1.0@localhost  technical details of permanent failure: dns error: domain name not found. 

please me. thnx in advance.

check url, seems header info not absolute
