Magento adding actions In orders -

i'm using magento community 1.7. when go sales-->orders see orders. can tick orders and, using action dropdown, can print invoices, cancel, hold etc. i'm wondering if there anyway can add actions "requires refund", "fraud". actions wouldn't neccessarily have change status can see later status of these orders. ideas?

in order add more actions need override method mage_adminhtml_block_sales_order_grid::_preparemassaction().
each action add, need method in controller send to.
take example action cancel. added mass action block this:

$this->getmassactionblock()->additem('cancel_order', array(      'label'=> mage::helper('sales')->__('cancel'),      'url'  => $this->geturl('*/sales_order/masscancel'), )); 

and corresponding method mage_adminhtml_sales_ordercontroller::masscancelaction()
