c# - WCP WebHttpBinding times out on machines on the same LAN -

i'm attempting add simple wcf-based web ui existing application, aspects can remote controlled via device on same lan web browser. (from phone or tablet 30ft away via wifi, instance) works part, same machine, @ least, if try , connect other device, times out.

webhttpbinding binding = new webhttpbinding(); binding.transfermode = transfermode.streamed;  webhttpbehavior behavior = new webhttpbehavior();  webservicehost host = new webservicehost( typeof( service ), new uri( "http://localhost:8000/[removed product name]" ) ); host.addserviceendpoint( typeof( iservice ), binding, "" ).behaviors.add( behavior ); host.open(); 

this self-hosting c# on windows 7 64 bit.

i have added firewall exception , program netsh acl.

i can ping host device client device.

i can still host device if go via lan ip rather localhost.

i have added parameterless constructor , finalizer service class print console can tell if , when being constructed wcf. happens when accessed locally not device on same lan, suggesting problem lies binding me.

thank you.

resolved; issue down router in use seemingly firewalling users 1 another. using router or ethernet cable works.
