git - CocoaPods `pod install` error: cannot open FETCH_HEAD: Permission denied -

my question quite similar other [1] (but open new 1 accepted answer on doesn't seem work me).

put short, when run pod install error: [!] pod::executable remote update - error: cannot open fetch_head: permission denied.

as read other question, started use rvm , when run which ruby /users/myuser/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bin/ruby , i've double , triple checked i'm total owner of installation. no root there.

as i've read problem may have git, updated , when run which git /usr/local/git/bin/git , i'm total owner of that. no root there either.

in question [1], user1054503 commented solved same problem chown'ing /users/myuser/.cocoapods/master i've tried that, nothing seems work. i'm stuck.

any idea anyone, please?

[1] cocoapods pod install permission denied

i’m guessing it’s cache, located in ~/library/caches/cocoapods. try chown’ing well.
