google analytics api - Can response data from core reporting api be grouped? -

explanation: able query google core reporting apiv3 using client library data on pageviews specific urls of website working on. want data(pageviews) each day within specified range. far looping through range, sending individual request api. in each request setting same value start date , end date.

problem: gets job done, not best way go it. because, assumming want data past 3 months each of 2000 uris. need 360000 number of requests , value on limit quota defined google.

potential solution: 1 way thought of solving issue send request setting start-date , end-date week apart api return sum of values rather individual values.

main question: there way insist these values should not added , returned sum rather returned (as associative array or that) separately each.

i hope question clear , there solution! thank you!

very straightforward:

metric: ga:pageview, dimension: ga:date, set filter pagepath, , set start-date , end-date.


this return pageviews faq.html& page each day in time-frame.

you should check out queryexplorer. great tool find out how structure queries.
